Young Green Peppercorns

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Young Green Peppercorns are a type of spice. They come from a trailing, evergreen plant, the fruit of which is grouped in a cylindrical shape cluster. The seeds are round in shape, small in size, with a smooth, glossy skin. The fruit is green, containing small, light brown seeds inside. It has a hot and spicy taste, with a strong and fragrant smell.

Green peppercorns are native to India and are now cultivated in various countries worldwide. In Thailand, many varieties are grown. They have been popularly consumed since ancient times, offering various health benefits and medicinal properties. Fresh fruits are used in preparing various dishes.

Fresh Green Peppercorns, Green Peppercorns, Young Peppercorn

Scientific name: Piper nigrum
Family: Piperaceae

Young green peppercorns (Prik-Thai-Orn) are a type of spice that comes from a vine-like perennial plant. The stems are round and crawling with joints, and they branch out extensively. The leaves are elliptically shaped with a broad base and sharp tip, similar to bay leaves. The leaves are smooth and shiny with smooth edges, and they have long leaf stalks. They are green in color. The flowers are in a reduced cyme with small subsidiary flowers. The flowers are small with a greenish hue. The flower stalk is short, and the flowers grow along leaf axils, joints, and the tips of the branches.

The fruit is in clusters, cylindrical in shape. The seeds are round and small, with a smooth, glossy skin. The fruit is green, and there are small, light brown, hard seeds inside. They have a hot and spicy taste with a fragrant smell. Fresh fruits are used in cooking various dishes. In Thailand, there are several varieties of young green peppercorns being cultivated.

The stem is a type of spice from a sprawling plant. It’s a vine-like perennial with a single stem. The stem is round and crawling with joints and has a lot of branchings. It has roots that grow out of the joints to anchor it. The young branches are green while the old ones are brown.

The leaves are single, alternately arranged. They are elliptically shaped with a broad base and a sharp tip. They are large like bay leaves, smooth, and shiny with smooth edges. They have long leaf stalks and are green in color.

The root system is a fibrous one, round in shape and penetrating deep into the soil. It has root branches and subsidiary roots. The roots grow around the stem and are brown in color.

The flowers grow in reduced cyme with small subsidiary flowers. The flowers are small with a greenish hue. The flower stalk is short, and the flowers grow along the leaf axils, joints, and tips of the branches.

Young green peppercorn seeds.

The fruit is in clusters, cylindrical in shape. The seeds are round and small, with a smooth, glossy skin. The raw fruit is green and has small, light brown, hard seeds inside. They have a hot and spicy taste and a fragrant smell. They are a type of spice. Fresh fruits are used in cooking various dishes.

The seeds are small and many in number. They are small and round. They are covered with a green shell, and the inside is light brown. They have a hot and spicy taste.

Benefits and Properties of Young Green Peppercorns

Young green peppercorns contain vitamins C and K, potassium, vitamin A, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, and B9, beta-carotene, carbohydrates, protein, fat, and fiber.

They serve as rejuvenating medicine, relieving bloating, and helping to expel intestinal gas. They aid in relieving indigestion and diarrhea, helping to expel parasites, and are rich in antioxidants. They also help prevent Alzheimer’s disease, nourish the liver, and aid in cancer prevention. They help nourish nerves, treat hysteria, relieve seizures, nourish essential elements, improve digestion, promote sleep, manage high blood pressure, relieve nausea, alleviate dizziness, and ease toothache. They can suppress coughs, relieve asthma, help to expel phlegm, cure colds, reduce fever, treat stomach ulcers, nourish the intestines, aid digestion, relieve inflammation, treat leukorrhea, promote urination, expel fat, reduce headaches, relieve joint pain, promote sweating, and alleviate abdominal pain.

Cultivation and Propagation of Young Green Peppercorns

Young green peppercorns can thrive in almost any type of soil but prefer loamy or sandy loam for better growth. They can be propagated either by seeds or by using stem cuttings. These are grown in nursery bags or planted directly into seedbeds. When the seedlings are approximately 2-3 months old, they are transplanted into the field, planted at a spacing of about 2×2 meters. As the plants start to grow, stakes are provided for support.

The Fruit of Young Green Peppercorns

How to Care for Young Green Peppercorns

Young green peppercorns require plenty of water and sunlight. They need good drainage and should not be waterlogged. Regular watering, preferably in the morning and evening, is essential. Exposure to sunlight throughout the day promotes rapid growth.

Harvesting Young Green Peppercorns

Young green peppercorns can be harvested approximately 3-4 months after transplanting into the field. The immature fruit is green and should be cut with its stalk. The cut fruit is then placed in a prepared container.

How to Store Young Green Peppercorns

The young green peppercorns are washed and drained until dry. They are then placed in a bag or box and stored in the refrigerator for a longer shelf life.

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